
Posts Tagged ‘instructional’

Zion Top-Rope Rock Climbing Course

Friday, July 29th, 2011

Zion National Park and the surrounding Southern Utah and St. George areas comprise a diverse rock climbing mecca.  Thousands of climbs at varying locations provide amazing year round rock climbing of all styles, lengths, and difficulties.  It is a perfect place to take a rock climbing course and build upon your skills and experience. At Zion Mountain School we provide a range of instructional rock climbing courses that are suited for climbers of all levels and abilities.

Christine and her son Brian came to Zion to take our Top Rope Rock Climbing Course.

Getting ready to climb. Click to enlarge










Christine and Brian has some experience rock climbing in a gym and some climbing outdoors.  They were interested in learning the skills needed to safely climb on their own outside.




Brian getting belayed by mom. click to enlarge














This two day course is for the climber with basic climbing and belaying skills looking to learn the skills needed to safely top rope climb




Throwing the rappel rope. Click to enlarge










Brian and Christine got lots of experience setting up anchors on climbing routes and then getting climb on them.




Putting their heads together. Click to enalrge










We visit different climbing sites in the area for more variety and hands on learning opportunities.  This course gives you the opportunity to get a lot of practice and experience under the guidance of a professional instructor.




Rappelling down to climb. Click to enlarge









After the top rope course Brian took our 2 day Lead Climbing Course and then visited some of the local rock climbing areas to climb with his mom.




Enjoying a fun climb. Click to enlarge